Caramel Spread

Yields: 6 Servings Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 25 Mins Total Time: 30 Mins

This is the recipe for the awesome Caramel spread.  Kids love it on toast or better yet a great partner for French Toast.  This recipe makes 6 jars (250ml).


0/5 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/7 Instructions
  • Add Brown sugar, corn syrup, and Butter in a medium sized pot.
  • Melt over medium heat, stirring constantly (NOTE: Stirring is the most important part). While heating start stirring and don't stop until the very end when you remove the pot from the stove.
  • Boil for 8 minutes. Stir constantly, ensure you are getting all the sides and bottoms. Stirring prevents hot spots which will crystallize the sugar.
  • Remove from heat, stir in can of "Eagle Brand" condensed milk. The condensed milk will give it the creamy texture. At this point it is very thick, good for some applications but not for spreading on toast or french toast.
  • Using the left over condensed milk can, fill it 3/4 the way up (225ml) of milk (1% or 2% works great) and stir it into the caramel. The milk reduces the thickness and makes it more spreadable.
  • Stir until well blended and smooth (NOTE: over cooking will cause it to harden and prevent smooth spreading).
  • Ready to serve or freeze in small containers for future use. **Must be refrigerated (contains no preservatives).


So what is condensed milk?  Click on link to learn... 

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